Saturday, March 10, 2007


We have exciting news. Adrian and I are expecting. IT has been difficult keeping it a secret. OK so we, or I haven't been very good at keeping it a secret. It is just too hard when it is a first and you are so excited. So sorry we haven't been able to let everyone in on the news until now.

We are happily in our second trimester this week. On Wednesday we will have reached fourteen weeks. It seems like a life time until we reach 40, but thanks to my many friends who are pregnant...I have definitely understand to enjoy my second trimester. Recently I did blood testing and a glucose test. The glucose came back fine, but the blood test identified that I have a thyroid condition. "a hypothyroid" which has explained a lot of my digestion issues over the last year and a half. So things have been better, since starting thyroid meds, (not excited about being on meds for my life, but if it makes life easier, then I am ok with it).

We are happily preparing for the baby, cleaning house, organizing, and reading as much as we can to understand how this baby will be changing our life. Oh yeah and Adrian he has been building walls in the nursery. Crazy I know. But he will get it done and I will finish creating the nursery bedding too. Once I come up with and idea.

well that is it for now. I will keep you updated on what we find out.

have a great weekend.