We are going to tell you a bit about the curtains...

we found the shelf above for free...the frames all over the room for 50 cents or free (99 cent white spray paint at Lowe's is fabulous and transforms anything) and then the bedding was borrowed and repurposed from great friends. the embroidery hoops were painted with that fab spray paint as well and then used fabric I already had....from the quilt. We made the subway art with paint I concocted from red and white I already had and a painting canvas that came out of one of the frames I used in another room....oh wait I did have to buy a paint pen for touch up for 2 dollars at Hobby Lobby...I made the framed subway art and got the other for a steal on Etsy...yes another fabulous place to support local and homebased bussinesses.
Oh before I get to the quilt...the chair...if you haven't been to the Repurpose Room in Warsaw...you have to go check it out...they get new stuff in all the time...and if you don't go often or watch their facebook page...you could miss out...I got this Chair (after waiting months) for 20 dollars...it works perfect and the baby and I will spend many nights their as she wakes up and grows.
Ok...so the quilt...I have sewing for the past three years...making blankets, burp cloths and dresses/other clothing for little people...so I had accumulated quite the little collection of fabric...I had no rhyme or reason to the quilt other than I picked pink, turquoise, bright green, and yellow as my colors. then I went through my stash and found enough fabrics in those colors and cut squares. then I laid them out in a pattern on the floor and sewed them together. the great thing about scrap quilts is you just use what you have. I will be using the same fabrics when I bind the quilt as well...so no additional money spent...I did however find all of it at a discount over the three years...and had to buy some thread, the batting and I am paying to have it machine quilted so it holds up better to the wear and tear of washing with a baby toddler. This quilt is big enough for a toddler bed...even will cover most of a twin...so I am excited to have her use it for a while. :)
So If I totalled my bill for this room, it would be as follows:
Wall paint: the reject bin for 10 dollars
Chair: 20 (actually 18 cuz they didn't charge me sales tax)
Shelf: Free (paint 2.80)
7 frames and embroidery hoops for : 1.50+1.25= 2.75
bedskirt and bumper: free from friends (fabulous friends I may add)
owl: $1 at a thrifty store
crib: free from my fabulous mother
pillow in chair, frames, to hold subway art on shelf : brought from another room
Pink Subway art : 2.00 (and I still have that paint pen for other projects)
pompom and latterns: 7.00 (supplies)
Curtains: 30 dollars with tax. used thread bought for quilt too.
Quilt: batting, quilting and thread (i have no idea how to figure in the scrap peices) : 62.00
grand total would be around: 135.55. Not to Shabby I must say to redo an entire room for that.
I am using baskets in an armoire on the other side of the room for laundry and on the shelves to hole baby essentials. then inside will house the changing table and reusing baskets I already have to store and hold clothes and diapers in there as well.
Now today to clean out the closet in that room and make it into our home office...since the baby took the office...we have to find a way to make sure we can still house a printer and hold my bussiness materials that are still going to be needed as she grows up. :) thanks for taking a ride through my decorating confessions. :)