Friday, September 28, 2007

One month pictures and low red blood cells

Well mom took some one month pictures the other day...these are the ones before we had to change his yippee we got some pictures without the tube. Yesterday we got some very low numbers back from his bloodwork that tested his hemoglobin levels. It was explained to us that babies don't replenish their own blood until between 1 1/2-2 months old, which is right where Jackson is, but due to his low kidney function this process is slowed down as well. The kidney's are the organ that signals the bone marrow that the body is low and needs to produce more. we had known this and were prepared to start shots next week but I guess this all might be moved up.. The thought of giving my child a shot is not a positive one, but I guess we continue to do what we have to and I will get over my fear. we also have an appointment today with the pediatrician to determine whether or not he need a transfusion to get his numbers up. we will see. I gotta go to get to that appointment.

have a great day!!

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