Jackson started sitting for long periods of time. He just falls over though...still hasn't completely learned how to catch himself. Oh well he will learn. And so funny to watch him fall straight over and then start laughing..
Enjoy the video (please excuse the burp, we take them when we get them) and I will tell you about the rest of our weekend.
It all started when I decided to repaint the dining room. I have wanted more color in my three room living space (I say that we have a whole finished basement that we never go to anymore) that I live in the most and so I decided to revamp things a bit. So I chose green tea green. You are probably thinking that isn't colorful...but thing panera bread iced green tea...yep bright green. We are going to see I brought in a candle to the Lowe's and tried the color match thing, but of course for me it didn't work so I had to resort to the closest match. I already had the chocolate chip color for the backsplash and the kitchen...I was pumped.
We headed home and I started on friday morning during Jackson's nap. Did some priming over the red I had there and let it dry and started to paint. All of a sudden I had bubbles and it started lifting. My mind jumped to the worst thing ever...more wall paper. I am telling you, these previous home owners, they painted over wall paper in every room. ARRRRGGGG!!!! this on a side note...is the WORST THING YOU COULD EVER DO TO THE NEXT PERSON WHO LIVES IN YOUR HOUSE. WALLPAPER GETS HARDER TO TAKE OFF AFTER YOU PAINT OVER IT. HARDER I SAY. luckily this was the worlds oldest wall paper ever and I found two different kinds...let me show you how beautiful it is.
THis is what I found under what I peeled off. and the holes. The just punched a hole *or so it looked like* and ran power cords through the wall. Have you ever heard of an outlet. SO we have tried to do our house the right way, so when we sell it, the next owner can easily change things to there style, if by some small chance they don't love my decorating. :):)LOL. SO on Friday night we decided to go check out SEARS' appliance sale. Don't get excited...I tried by saying everything was cheaper the more you buy, but it didn't work I did however get a new microwave/range hood combo to go over our stove. I am telling you it is sweet. No more 1min preheat on the things you try to microwave. Yep to reheat anything it always need to push like 1 min 30 seconds and you would hear it power up and then start reheating...it was funny at times but made making things or following instructions really difficult. the other problem was that you couldn't stir anything on the back burners because the Microwave slanted down in the back. You might think this isn't a big deal, but it makes it extremely hard to cook with multiple pots. But now. I am so excited. let me tell you about this amazing machine we purchased. It has sensor cooking, so I put the popcorn in for 3min 30sec or 10 minutes it will still stop at the same time because it sensed when it is done. it is AMAZING. it is three inches higher, which may not seem like much but it is a world different. The vent is on top which is wonderful it is hidden...don't have to clean it as often. So with no further adoo....
I gotta say that my husband is quite handy...he never ceases to amaze me. He put in an outlet and then tested it, installed a microwave and then went out to by me a present. Let me tell you this isn't the typical present most women would jump up and down for...but I DID. I was SOOSOO excited. YOu will have to wait to find out...oh come on I haven't had time to take a picture of it or us using it. So it will come with REVAMP TAKE 2. Stay tuned...