ok well i can't seem to find anyother place to write here...I actually today accomplished a great task. I was able to upload photos from my camera for the first time at home and burn a cd....crazy huh? I am becoming a master at this...ok well not quite that quickly. well this weekend we spent time at the lake, with the myers, I helped gretchen paint at their loft and I spent some quality time with an old friend catching up on stuff. oh yeah and some quality R&R...what every holiday is for.
It is so great after we spend a day even at the lake. Macy lays around the next day and sleeps all day. You can get so much done when your dog isn't getting in to misjiff. well here are a few...blogger won't let me post any more. so i will try later. maybe on a second post. But we had a great time catching up with friends, watching fireworks in the water...floating in the middle of the lake, eating great food, swimming, playing poker and euchre, and of coarse laying out...whenever the sun appeared for more than 5 seconds. well that is all for now.. i am ready for a nap in the sun. Later
1 comment:
Good to hear from you. I got four days off this weekend so Jaime came down to see me. It's already Tuesday though, and Jaime is leaving soon, and I have to get back to the grindstone tonight! I love your dog by the way...Nice looking lab?
Anyhow, take care. See you in a couple of weeks!
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