He is in to everything.....
loves peekaboo, loves to push buttons (both the real buttons and his parents hidden ones), love people, he is totally in to music and does a little dance every time he hears it (unless of course there are instruments to watch and then those are more intriguing). He loves balls: basketball or baseball, he doesn't care. Is totally attatched to his teddy blanket at bedtime. loves to open and close everything, but especially doors...he even shuts the door to his room with us on the outside. He is Mr Independant. he wants to do things himself. He is walking around furniture again since his cast came off a month ago. He is transitioning from on peace to the other easily. He also goes up in the bear crawl position like he is trying to stand up, but he hasn't quite gotten there yet. We will eventually. He loves to bang on things: everything from the windows to an empty container. Who would have guessed that toys could be so cheap. He loves his homemade rattle: a penny in a medicine bottle. he shakes it in the car everywhere we go.
I gotta say we are still not into food. We really have no interest at all. Perfectly satisfied with our bottle. We have tried a sippy but he just likes to chew. I finally got his OT and nutritionalist to witness him puking and they are now concerned. After seeing the amount of phlem in his puke, they are thinking there is something that is causing this other than the reflux. I am telling you, you cry wolf to enough people and sometimes it pays off. Someone might hear you eventually. We have decided finally (we have asked for this many times, oh well at least it is happening now) to have a team leader and that our developmental pediatrician should be local so we can have our nutritionalist there as well. They are thinking Jackson might be allergic to something, so they are suggesting allergy testing as well as just looking outside the box for solutions to the puking issues. With out resolving this we see no reason that Jackson will want to eat anytime soon. They are thinking he relates eating to Pain so he will do nothing but suck on food. no swallowing. We will see. Of course it is going to take at least three months to get in to see anyone. Nothing ever happens in a short period of time. But what is three more months when he has gone for 17 months already. Hopefully they will have a cancelation and get us in quickly.
Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season and a happy New year. We will leave you with a couple holiday pics..
Wow, cannot believe what a big boy he is. Looks like his hair is getting lighter too? Sorry to hear about the allergy/vomiting thing, but good to know Momma is finally getting heard and someone is doing something about it. Miss you all very much...hope to see you soon...
Yeah! Almost 17lbs! Keep er going, Jackson. =)
And that pic of him with his cousins is way cute! Needs scrapped on Saturday. =)
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