Monday, April 07, 2008

In constant thought..................

As I sit here this morning I am finding myself constantly in thought over Jackson's surgery tomorrow morning. I have been up with him since 6 am and I have talked with God an unusual amount of time. Numerous people have been asking me how I am doing lately, and of course I answer with fine. As this tethered spine surgery gets closer though I am finding I am a little bit frazzled. Although it is a normal every Tuesday surgery for Dr. Boaz, it is not everyday that you are leaving your child in the hands of a Dr to mess with his spinal column. I truely believe in my heart that God is in control, however my head is doing a doosy on me. My analyticalness is prevailing and I am thinking and researching all the possibilities and sometimes what you need for faith is NO INFORMATION.

this morning I have been asking God to stop my excessive thoughts, praying peace over Jackson and I *in my worries he has been fussy, I am sure he senses my stress* and wisdom over the doctors involved tomorrow. I will update the caringbridge site after the surgery is finished. If you could all lift us up in the prayer...I KNOW IT WILL BE FELT.


1 comment:

sarahrt said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you!! I am constantly thinking about you and your family. I love the updates on your blog!!