I gotta tell you I can't wait for this day. To have my happy baby back. Don't get me wrong he has been doing amazingly well in the cast. But to have this kid back....
the one that smiled and played peak a boo at the end of the couch ten times a day. the one that was constantly getting in to Macy's food and water, started to stand by himself and babbling out the window at random passerby's. It saddens me to think that all winter we will be cooped up inside trying not to get a cast wet and not seeing this little boy for a while. He smiled and played peekaboo on my shoulder last night and it brought such a huge smile to my face. It was a brief moment of happiness in our very sad day yesterday. I am not sure what is wrong but we are not happy, not sleeping and incredibly uncomfortble. All things that I am sure are normal....I just have to figure out how to console him and make him as comfortable as possible.
Some on reminded me the other day of the bible verse 1 peter 1:6-7.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.
God is good, he is in control and it always helps when we have good friends that remind us frequently that we are not in this alone. We will be ok. it has just been a hard week. And we have to share with you the good and the bad right. Please pray, Jackson started digging at his right ear last night even though he is already on antibiotics for his left ear.
Oh, Nichole, I am so sorry, you've had a rough week! Hang in there! I'll definitely be praying for you guys that you find a way to get thru this moment. When you're in the moment it is so tough...just remember that thru God's help & strength that you will get thru this!
I'm so sorry about the rough week! I can totally understand why you're in countdown mode. We'll be praying for all of you, for the patience and wisdom and strength to push through. Come on December 5th!
Sounds like the little man needs some "Delaney time" to get him out of his funk. Let us know when you are ready for us...
has anyone told you lately what an amazing mom you are? (not to mention an amazing person!)
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