Well we started our anniversary being very happy I wasn't still in the hospital, however headed to the hospital for an appointment. The great news was all went well and we were still on for delivery on August 9th. Whoohooo!!!! although I have huge anxiety over the delivery I am extremely excited anticipating the arrival of our little one and this excitement blocks out all of the fears I have of being a mom. Which is good of course.
Afterwards Adrian surprised me and allowed me a little time out of the house. We decided to check out the Lazyboy liquidation sale....try out some recliners thinking there was no way one would be in our price range and wouldn't you know....look what we found.

I was so excited...I think Adrian was more. Happy anniversary to us.
Then it didn't end. We haven't really purchased much for our new infant and we had been give a highchair from my mom that got recalled...so we decided we could put the money towards a stroller and so we next after my lunch, headed to Babies r us...and found the perfect stroller...light weight, easy to fold and no doubt the closest match I have found to our borrowed car seat. Amazing!!! Simply Amazing!!!

He amazed me even farther as we spent the next hour arranging the nursery, putting the stroller together, installing the car seat bases in our cars and doing some other preparations for the baby...HE IS SOOO READY TO BE A DADDY. he is too cute.
Then we had company this afternoon...Morgan brought over the video of the wedding and I was able to share in it with her. It was just as much fun watching her be embarrassed about watching herself. I remember that completely. She was a beautiful bride and the ceremony and message were awesome...no doubt when Myron is in charge of sharing the message.
Then after that a friend of mine arrived with some other goodies for us. We are borrowing their pack-n-play until we get one of our own. She showed us how to put it together and take it apart and then I found a place to store it for right now.
Needless to say right now I am exhausted...this has been the most eventful day I have had in at least a month. But an amazing anniversary and a truly special day..because I got to see how excited Adrian is for the arrival of our little one and we got to spend the entire day together. He is truly an amazing husband...and you can't beat the gift.